A LandScape Of Handmade Goods + Art

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Year, New Projects

Wow! So much has happened and been accomplished in a mere month. I have a new project in the works - a public art project which is a bit odd because I am not a public artist. It's receiving a positive reaction from folks as far as Northern California. I am both shocked an elated about this but I'll give details as it progresses. I have been painting like crazy because I realized that last year was spent on the crafty side of things and this year I want to do more painting and mixed media pieces. Anyway, here's one of many pencil sketches (on a cereal box) that I did at the family's house while on my long, enjoyable holiday with them. Okay... I'm really obsessed with cereal boxes lately... and the bunny you see below...what can I say?

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