A LandScape Of Handmade Goods + Art

Monday, December 17, 2007

New Blog Devoted to My Plush Dolls

These recycled babies - the Carney Creatures - were the inspiration for creating a new blog devoted to my plush dolls. They are part of the Carney series I started in July. Their name comes from the fact that they are reincarnated from jeans, skirts, wool sweaters and other recycled fabrics. Every thing is recycled except the polyfiberfil stuffing.

This is baby "Shii" (below) and "Xuxa" and they have 11 other brothers and sisters up for adoption. They include Rok, Bloo, Oik, Pip, Tib, Bink, Gloob, Luk, Flek, Min, and Joop. You can see the others on the Polyester Junction Plushomat blog at http://www.polyesterjunctionplushomat.blogspot.com/. Enjoy. :)

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